VITA VM11 氧化锆加强型玻璃陶瓷

VITA VM11 氧化锆加强型玻璃陶瓷

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Fine-structure ceramic for individualizing of VITA SUPRINITY
VITA VM 11 is a low-melting fine-structure feldspar ceramic that has been developed especially for individualizing crown substructures made of zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (ZLS).
Due to its individual CTE, a separate veneering material is required for this new generation glass ceramic. The perfectly matched CTE values of substructure and veneering materials help minimize stress to ensure superior bonding and veneering reliability that is free of warping.

Highly esthetic restorations:
The high translucency and warm shades of VITA VM 11 in combination with the opalescent effect of VITA SUPRINITY create highly esthetic restorations with a vivid play of colors.
Reliable bonding:
Stress-free and reliable bonding is ensured through a perfect match of both CTE ranges.
Excellent grinding and polishing properties:
Thanks to the proven fine structure of VITA VM 11, its smooth and densely sealed surface can be easily and quickly polished.
Simple processing:
Excellent stability, minimal shrinkage and high edge stability are distinctive features of VITA VM 11. Thanks to the excellent moisture absorption of VITA SUPRINITY, multiple layering without liner firing or washbake is possible.
Unsurpassed firing stability:
The outstanding firing properties of VITA VM 11 result in very high dimensional stability even after several firings.